therapist workshops

My workshops are a fun and engaging way to learn more about CBT in clinical practice.  Current workshop offerings include:

Introduction to CBT in Clinical Practice

The primary CBT workshop briefly reviews the history of the therapy and the federally-funded research that defines the practice.  From there, you will learn the skills you need to make the work of CBT both fun and relevant.  Through our work together, I will help you understand the relevance of the research in our approach and the case formulation approach.  You will leave with tools and strategies that you can immediately put into practice.

CBT for Kids: The Nuts and Bolts

This is a fun workshop that teaches the basic concepts of CBT in a way that is accessible and meaningful to kids.  The workshop opens with a  brief overview of the significant NIH-funded research studies for kids, and the remainder of the workshop focuses on practical skill-building techniques and interventions.  Participants will learn the material through lecture, role play, and creative interactive exercises.   I will share custom forms and handouts and offer additional resources for further learning.

CBT for Anxiety: Learning to Lean Into Fear

Overestimation of risk and underestimation of resources defines the CBT theory for anxiety.  Anxiety causes us to see things as bigger and worse than they are, making us feel less capable of dealing with the situation.  Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder, and it is also a treatable disorder.  This workshop reviews the cognitive formulation for anxiety, the reality of living with an anxiety disorder, and teaches the basics of exposure therapy.  

Your Amazing Teen Brain

The teen brain is amazing!  Recent research has given us insight into why teens feel so deeply, why adolescents take so many risks, and the challenges teens face with peers and relationships.  When it comes to the teen brain, knowledge really is power.  In this course, you will learn the basic neuroscience of the teen brain (beyond dopamine, but not too far beyond!) and build your evidence-based toolbox with strategies to help kids and parents create real change.  (can be adapted for parent or professional audiences)

Building Grit and Resilience in Kids: Skills and Strategies to Help Kids Feel Strong and Motivated

Angela Duckworth’s research on grit clarified the role that grit plays in success.  Successful people can tolerate distress, persevere, and recover from setbacks.  But what happens when these skills aren’t easily identifiable, when kids struggle to get back after things go wrong and when they quit easily and often?  This workshop teaches the foundations of building grit and resilience.  Grit can be learned, and CBT is the ideal modality for creating and implementing the strategies.  In this training, participants will learn techniques to help kids see situations in different ways, actively choose to be optimistic, solve problems, cope with change, practice flexibility, increase assertiveness, and much more.